Our Plan for Leicester East

  • Youth Engagement and Job Opportunities

    Together, we’re committed to ensuring young people in Leicester have the best opportunities to succeed. By engaging with students, and working with local sports clubs and stakeholders, we’re creating real pathways for their future. From career opportunities to promoting wellbeing, we will support the next generation as they grow and thrive.
  • Supporting Local Businesses

    Leicester is an entrepreneurial city, and I want to see our small businesses thrive and grow. So, I’m working with local stakeholders to establish business forums for businesses large and small to build relationships, share resources and collaborate with stakeholders. We should be dedicated to celebrating local talent, and welcoming in the next generation, while supporting established businesses as they continue to grow.
  • Connecting Communities

    I’m committed to fostering unity across Leicester through multi-faith and community-led initiatives. I’m setting up multi-faith forums, creative competitions and regular community gatherings so we can bring people together to celebrate our diversity and foster lasting relationships. The diversity we have in Leicester is something to celebrate, and we must ensure that everyone in every community can reach their full potential.
  • Safer Streets and Better Neighbourhoods

    Making Leicester safer must be everyone’s top priority. We must ensure we get our fair share of police officers, work with the Police and Crime Commissioner, and promote anonymous tip lines to make our streets safer for everyone. We must also instil local pride in Leicester’s neighbourhoods by working with local resident associations and councillors to champion our area. These initiatives will tackle the issues that matter most to residents, and make Leicester a safer place to live, learn and work.
  • Better Local Healthcare

    The Conservative Government committed millions to improve our hospitals in Leicester, but now Labour’s review puts that funding at risk. I’m campaigning to protect this investment, ensuring our hospitals provide world-class care for everyone. Together we can also campaign to guarantee that local residents receive the best GP and hospital care available.
  • Fixing Local Roads and Infrastructure

    Sir Peter Soulsby, our Labour City Mayor must be held accountable for the lack of regeneration in our city. I’m setting up a Pothole Patrol, to make reporting easier and quicker. We also have too many disused buildings that could be used to boost our city’s entrepreneurial spirit. So, I’m pushing for a meeting with Sir Peter to discuss ideas on our we can unlock these opportunities quickly and safely.